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What are the meanings of regular playing cards when they are normal and inverted in a tarot card reading?

196584183 1a1753d438 What are the meanings of regular playing cards when they are normal and inverted in a tarot card reading?

What are the meanings of regular playing cards when they are normal and inverted in a tarot card reading?

I am trying to learn how to learn how to do tarot card readings with regular playing cards, but every website I have gone to so far have not said what the inverted meanings of all the cards are. I know it would be a lot easier to just go out and buy a regular deck of tarot cards, but my parents refuse to allow me to get them. Help please?

Suggestion by blue chaos soɐɥɔ ǝnlq jpa
There is a website that gives the equivalent meaning. Give me a few minutes to find it.

Couldn’t find it. I starred you Q for my contacts who are better at this than I.

Suggestion by Kristen T
It means that the energy represented is hidden or not yet manifested. A lot depends on your own intuition. I read the cards & practiced some other psychic reading tools, & it backfired on me-giving me chronic headaches & a nervous condition which was cured through meditation. Best is to follow your parent’s advice.

Suggestion by KdS
Well, I think the main reason they don’t usually give the meanings for reversals, are that most modern playing card decks can’t make reversals (the cards are usually mirrored for both sides.) However, for tarot, there are three modes of deciding meanings for reversals that would work for a playing card as well, as described in the book The Cartomancer’s Key :–

Consider it to be the opposite of the upright meaning.
Consider it to be the negative side of the upright meaning (like the downside of a card meaning “success” might be “responsibility” or “hard work”)
Consider it to indicate a blockage of the card’s upright meaning (so for a card that would upright mean “success” it could mean “inability to achieve success.”)

As for the upright meanings, the same book lists a method for reading them.

Hope this helps.

3679384592 b64830bc42 What are the meanings of regular playing cards when they are normal and inverted in a tarot card reading?

What are the personality meanings behind playing cards?

Does anyone know of a website where they describe personality meanings by date and playing cards?
I went to a new age store the other day and found this section where they had a chart of the calendar with assigned cards and every suit symbolized a different part that is more pronounced in a personality type, sort of like the elements.

Suggestion by Vir
no one like this but on line u should try n get benefit

3169436259 09772b5d12 What are the meanings of regular playing cards when they are normal and inverted in a tarot card reading?

♦ Books & Authors: If your character was a playing card, what card would they be? ♠ + BQ?

♥ I was creating an ‘About Me’ for Facebook when I realized that I should use a symbol for each thing I listed. When I used the ’diamond’ symbol I thought of a deck of playing cards. I began to wonder what the meaning behind each card led me to analyzing Ezra. It turns out Ezra would be an Ace of Diamonds, because he has a struggle of conquest. =)

If your character was a playing card, what card would they be?

You can use this link to find out what card defines your character.



BQ1: What playing card if your favorite?
{ I like The Joker. }

BQ2: What is your favorite poem?
{ Fire and Ice by Robert Frost. }

BQ3: What is your favorite type of weather?
{ I like rainy weather. }

BQ4: What do you have planned this summer?
{ I’m going to write, a lot. :3 }

BQ5: What is your favorite time of the day?
{ Midnight. :3 }

BQ6: Do you prefer dark or light colors?
{ Dark. =) }


Suggestion by Remus D’Duck, Roman Duckigod
I’d say the Jack of Hearts fits Remus perfectly–unrealistic, kind, and immature.

BQ1: The Joker. Or if I’m allowed, that card that tells you the order of poker hands.
BQ2: Don’t know any specific poems…
BQ3: Cloudy, about twenty degrees Celsius.
BQ4: Writing, gaming, and slacking.
BQ5: The evening.
BQ6: Generally…dark.

Suggestion by ♥Sterling Knight♥~Team McLaina~
Anna is queen of ♠ (club) because she is ambitious and can be selfish. She is daring and ready to do things…
Lachlan is a King of ♦(diamonds) he is very protective and very good at manipulating people.

This is an amazing question by the way. icon biggrin What are the meanings of regular playing cards when they are normal and inverted in a tarot card reading?

BQ1: I like the Ace
BQ2: I will not go to school today says little Peggy Ann McKay. Shel Silverstein (not sure what’s its called)
BQ3: Rainy
BQ4: Write go to missouri, do Geometry (ick), do summer homework (ick too)
BQ5: Sunset
BQ6: Dark icon biggrin What are the meanings of regular playing cards when they are normal and inverted in a tarot card reading?

Suggestion by Israel Blaine
She would be the Ace. Right when you think you’ve got everything under control, she pops up and down you go.

BQ1: What playing card if your favorite?
The Ace or Queen. The joker mocks me whenever it pops up.

BQ2: What is your favorite poem?
I dont really read poetry so if i do read one i can’t remember the name but i heard one on def poetry jam (if that’s how its spelled) called Yellow Rage.

BQ3: What is your favorite type of weather?
Rainy or sunny. or both together.

BQ4: What do you have planned this summer?
Hang out with my friends, write read, idk random nonsense.

BQ5: What is your favorite time of the day?
Night, I’m a night owl.

BQ6: Do you prefer dark or light colors?

Q&A: Help! Meanings of Ordinary Playing Cards?

6193479573 b702ab2e65 Q&A: Help! Meanings of Ordinary Playing Cards?

Help! Meanings of Ordinary Playing Cards?

I am trying to learn the basics of reading fortunes with the use of ordinary playing cards, can somebody give me the meanings of each card?

Answer by mhiaa
Best person I know of for this, and he is phenomenal, (don’t know if I spelled it right, my yahoo spell checker never does work) and most of it is free, is www.7thunders.com. Check it out. He’s fantastic, and you can get a daily free reading, which is very accurate. There are many other sites I know of, but thusfar, I have found him to be the most accurate if you are using an ordinary deck of playing cards. Enjoy! He really is incredible. I mean, I do it with plain old cards too, plus I also use tarot cards. But he really is incredible. Everytime I think I know what I’m talking about, he teaches me more. I mean, I can give you the meanings too. But my main gift is astrology and tarot. And his interpretations are just right on!! And if you check my Q and A, on Yahoo, whatever; because I really know very little about computers, nor do I trust them! To this day, I still do most of my calculations the old fashioned way: by hand and a lot of math.!!! Anyway, you will see, that unlike so many others on Yahoo answers that recommend 20 websites for this and this because they’re too ignorant to know how to do it on their own without a computer, I never,! ever!, recommend a website!. I hate them!!! Most of them don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, and do more harm than good. But Mr. Camp’s, I do recommend. He knows what he’s talking about!

Answer by Laura
Hi! I’ll just jump right in: As you probably know, ordinary playing cards of today are based on the tarot cards of earlier centuries. The hearts suit comes from a suit that used to be cups, and they represent influences in love, family, and relationships. Diamonds came from coins or pentacles; this suit represents money and financial situations. Clubs was once wands, which stood for creative pursuits. Finally, spades used to be swords, which told about logic and day-to-day problem solving.
Each number had its meaning for each suit. However, many follow a pattern. Each suit is a cycle, with a beginning, an end, and a new beginning, representing happenings starting, progressing, and coming to a close in our everyday lives. The ace is a good start, something unexpected, or encouragement to look into new things. For instance, an ace in the hearts suit would be an indication of starting a relationship, finding the one for you, marriage, or even a baby. Ace in the diamond suit would encourage new investments. 2 usually signifies a partnership or need for duality. 2 in swords may show the arrival (or need) of a reliable business partner or helpful friend, for example. 3 is most often good fortune and excellent progress, except for in the suit of spades, in which it means despair due to sudden disappointment. 4 is usually a period of rewards and security, except for in hearts, where it shows discontentment creeping into a relationship. 5 shows obstacles, pressure, and unhappiness in all suits. Thankfully, 6 means the end of the conflict in all suits, a period of triumph, generosity, and accomplishment after the battle. 7 means that you will soon have to work very hard and overcome challenges, but with the fufillment of a dream at the end, in all suits but spades, where it means lies and a need to be cautious and play your cards well. The 8, in hearts and spades, means hurtful situations and hard times. However, the 8 in clubs and diamonds is the opposite, representing a sea of opportunities and a wonderful time to start something new. 9 is accomplishment and fortunate times in all suits but (of course) spades, in which it is (of course) the opposite. 10 is completion, contentment, and a final outcome in all suits but clubs, where it is a sign that just too much is going on in your life to keep up with. The face cards usually represent people in your life. Their qualities reflect their suit. For instance, the queen of hearts would be a feminine person who is loving, sensitive, and emotional, but can be overly protective, moody, and easily hurt. The jack of spades is a good communicator and very clever, but may be manipulative or deceptive. The king of diamonds is a wonderful money handler and generous in good situations, but may be miserly or a tyrant in bad ones.
One often needs to make inferences about the numbers, suits, and how they’d relate to each other. I hope you get the general idea out of my explanation. I love using tarot and hope you enjoy using cards in divination as well!

1371200717 4a2cc6d32f Q&A: Help! Meanings of Ordinary Playing Cards?

Playing Card Divination?

First off, I would like to make sure everyone understands what I mean by “playing card”. I don’t speak of tarot cards. I am talking about regular old playing cards and their use as a fortune teller.

There seems to be very little documentation on the subject aside from the few short card “meanings” I can pick up on the net. Does anyone know a decent source for this form of fortune telling?

No, I am not looking to use the art practically as I don’t believe in magick, but I am rather intrigued by the subject.
I am particularly interested in not only the tarot related meanings, but the relation the cards have to numerology and times of the years. All of the sources (internet of course) I researched didn’t delve very far into these subjects.

I would prefer to know the mechanics that just the quick answers.

Answer by Mr. Bitter
Playing Card Divination.,, Sure. Why not?

The modern playing card deck is a descendant of the the Tarot.

They have the same number of suits… however the playing cards won’t have the major arcaria cards.. Death, The Emperor, The Fool,, etc.

So you couldn’t use the traditonal Tarot method.

Answer by morporc
There are many different methods of fortune telling with playing cards. Try a Google search.

All the available evidence suggests that standard playing cards are in fact at least a century older than the Tarot, and that Tarot fortune-telling comes from ordinary cartomancy – not the other way around.

Answer by Michelle D
Playing cards were actually the original Tarot deck, with an extra card (the page, as the knight was the jack.) The Major Arcana were added later, and were not originally the 22 we know today (they basically varied from place to place on meaning, depiction, and how many there were). It wasn’t until the early 1500′s that the Major Arcana were finalized into what we now recognize.

Is it possible to use a normal deck? Certainly, and many hold that the Egyptians may have done this initially. Others say that Tarot reading did not come until long after playing cards were around, and that both decks originated in Italy as opposed to Egypt. We may never know for sure.

Good luck!

Learn how to interpret and read a Magic: The Gathering card in this free instructional video clip. Expert: Jerome Ballesteros Contact: www.gamersenclave.com Bio: Jerome Ballesteros has been playing Magic The Gathering game for close to ten years now. He not only plays the game on a regular basis, but is an avid collector. Filmmaker: Scott Baker

Cards meanings . What exactly playing cards symbolize ? What’s their creation secret ?

2158284678 cf9e9de141 Cards meanings . What exactly playing cards symbolize ? Whats their creation secret ?

Cards meanings . What exactly playing cards symbolize ? What’s their creation secret ?

Answer by Benji Man
The origin of playing cards is obscure, but it is almost certain that they began in China after the invention of paper. Ancient Chinese “money cards” have four “suits”: coins (or cash), strings of coins (which may have been misinterpreted as sticks from crude drawings), myriads of strings, and tens of myriads. These were represented by ideograms, with numerals of 2-9 in the first three suits and numerals 1-9 in the “tens of myriads”. Wilkinson suggests in The Chinese origin of playing cards that the first cards may have been actual paper currency which were both the tools of gaming and the stakes being played for. The designs on modern Mahjong tiles and dominoes likely evolved from those earliest playing cards. The Chinese word pái (牌) is used to describe both paper cards and gaming tiles.

It is likely that the ancestors of modern cards arrived in Europe from the Mamelukes of Egypt in the late 1300s, by which time they had already assumed a form very close to those in use today. In particular, the Mameluke deck contained 52 cards comprising four “suits”: polo sticks, coins, swords, and cups. Each suit contained ten “spot” cards (cards identified by the number of suit symbols or “pips” they show) and three “court” cards named malik (King), nā’ib malik (Viceroy or Deputy King), and thānī nā’ib (Second or Under-Deputy).

The Europeans experimented with the structure of playing cards, particularly in the 1400s. Europeans changed the court cards to represent European royalty and attendants, originally “king”, “chevalier”, and “knave” (or “servant”). Queens were introduced in a number of different ways. In an early surviving German pack (dated in the 1440s), Queens replace Kings in two of the suits as the highest card. Throughout the 1400s, 56-card decks containing a King, Queen, Knight, and Valet were common. Suits also varied; many makers saw no need to have a standard set of names for the suits, so early decks often had different suit names (typically 4 suits, although 5 suits also had been common and other structures are also known). The cards manufactured by German printers used in the later standard the suits of hearts, bells, leaves, and acorns still present in Eastern and Southeastern German decks today used for Skat and other games, in the very early time suits took many vary variations, however. Later Italian and Spanish cards of the 15th century used swords, batons, cups, and coins.

The four suits (hearts, diamonds, spades, clubs) now used in most of the world originated in France, approximately in 1480. These suits have generally prevailed because decks using them could be made more cheaply; the former suits were all drawings which had to be reproduced by woodcuts, but the French suits could be made by stencil. The trèfle, so named for its resemblance to the trefoil leaf, was probably copied from the acorn; the pique similarly from the leaf of the German suits, while its name derived from the sword of the Italian suits (alternative opinion: derived from the German word “Spaten”, which is a tool like “Schüppe” and in optical sense similar to the Pique-sign; “Schüppe” is a German slang-name for Pique) [5]. In England the French suits were used, and are named hearts, clubs (corresponding to trèfle, the French symbol being joined to the Italian name, bastoni), spades (corresponding to the French pique, but having the Italian name, spade=sword) and diamonds.

6294032074 f9173024c1 Cards meanings . What exactly playing cards symbolize ? Whats their creation secret ?

where can i find info on meanings of each card of a regular playing deck as far as card readings go?

Answer by Vitamin C
I read playing cards, and I just use the Tarot meanings, minus the Trumps and Pages:


Tarot reading with playing cards was quite common years ago, and the modern tarot cards are based off of the four suits of a regular deck of cards. Understand the relationship between playing cards and tarot cards with helpful information from a professional psychic in this free video on paranormal states. Expert: Rima Thundercloud Contact: www.sedonanewagecenter.com Bio: Rima Thundercloud has been a professional psychic for more than 35 years. Filmmaker: Chuck Tyler

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